
Siding contractors near me in Lombard

Siding plays a vital role in protecting and enhancing the exterior of your home. Over time, several issues can arise that may affect its performance and appearance. This article will address common siding problems and describe how siding contractors near me in Lombard can help resolve these effectively.

1. Cracks and Gaps

Issue: Siding, particularly vinyl and wood, can develop cracks and gaps over time due to environmental exposure, leading to potential moisture issues.

Solution: For small cracks, use a high-grade exterior caulk that matches the siding’s color. For larger gaps, replacing the panels is necessary. Employing siding contractors ensures that the new panels are correctly installed and matched with the existing siding.

2. Buckling and Distortion

Issue: Siding may buckle or distort if it has been installed too tightly, which prevents it from expanding and contracting with temperature changes.

Solution: Replacing the affected siding is typically required. Siding contractors can install new panels properly, allowing for natural movement.

3. Fading and Discoloration

Issue: Siding exposed to long-term sunlight and weather can fade and discolor, especially if it’s older and not treated with protective coatings.

Solution: Often, the best approach is to replace old siding with new, fade-resistant materials. For wooden siding, a fresh paint job might also revive its appearance. Siding contractors can oversee the replacement or painting process.

4. Moisture Damage

Issue: Siding, especially wood, can suffer from moisture damage, leading to rot and structural issues.

Solution: The affected siding must be replaced, and the root cause of the moisture ingress (like faulty caulking or flashing) must be addressed. This is a job for experienced siding contractors, who can ensure that the repairs last.

5. Pest Damage

Issue: Wood siding is prone to pest attacks, such as from termites, which can compromise the material’s integrity.

Solution: After addressing the pest issue, damaged siding should be replaced. Siding contractors can perform this task efficiently and treat the wood to prevent future infestations.

To keep your siding in optimal condition, it’s essential to conduct regular maintenance and seek professional help for more significant issues. Siding contractors are crucial for ensuring that any repairs or replacements are carried out effectively, helping to maintain your home’s protection and curb appeal.